Sunday, 7 April 2013

Who put all the salt in the sea?

We went to the beach yesterday in Crosby, a long drive from Disley, and it was the first time I have seen the sea which was exciting.  The sea is like a huge river that is so big you can't even see the other side and the water tastes funny.  Louise says it's salt water, which is like what you put on chips so I don't know who put all the salt in the sea.  The ground is made of sand which is wet soil that you can write on which is handy as there are no pens at the sea.  Dave wrote my name for me.
Sand, dirt you can write on

 The best thing about this beach was there were loads of big statues of men which were funny.  I needed a wee but Louise said it was naughty to wee on them because it was art.  I thought art was painting so I wasn't too worried when she told me off and Dave thought it was funny.

Me and Dave making friends with the statue
I went in the salty water too and pretended to play fetch for Dave with stones.  I know you can't fetch stones but Dave seemed to be having fun and I didn't want to let him down especially since he got me a cone that normally has white cold stuff called ice cream in.  I was hot and the water made me cooler which was good.  I was very tired at the end of the day and so when Dave and Louise watched a film I laid on the sofa with them.  Louise said I took up a lot of space but I was just making sure that Dave got a good cuddle.
Cooling down in the salty water

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